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Why January Is the Ideal Time for a Roof Inspection

Schedule Roof Inspection Services Before Severe Weather Arrives

It may not seem like January is the ideal time for much of anything besides trying to stick to New Year’s resolutions. However, at Skyline Contracting we’ve found that January is often the ideal time to schedule roof inspection services.

Our unique climate here in Gainesville, GA allows us to roof pretty much year round, as temperatures remain fairly mild. With January arriving at the tail end of some of the rainiest months, and following the holiday season, it’s a great idea to get your roof checked before spring arrives. Here are a few of the top reasons to schedule your roof inspection in January.

Mild Weather for Roofing Work

Roofing work can be done in a range of temperatures, but when things get too cold (or too hot) it can interfere with how certain products function. The ideal temperature range for roofing work is around 50–80 degrees—but we can tell you from experience, doing physical work like roofing feels much nicer in the 50s.

With average January temperatures in Gainesville falling right around 50, this means the weather is still warm enough for roofing, and perfect for completing roofing work you may need. 

Assess Your Gutter System

We recommend getting your gutters inspected and cleaned toward the end of fall, when all or most leaves have fallen. However, it’s a good idea to have your gutters checked twice per year, particularly if your home lacks gutter guards.

Having your gutter system inspected in January along with your roof is a smart decision. This is because December and January are months with heavy precipitation (and potentially freezing temperatures), which can push your gutters to their limits. If your gutters haven’t been performing as they should, or they were damaged during the winter, this is the perfect time to make repairs or install a new set of gutters.

Check for Damage After the Holidays

There are so many ways your roof can become damaged during the holiday season. Heavy precipitation may reveal vulnerabilities, and you may need to check for sleigh marks and hoof prints as well.

All joking aside, while we’ve posted our tips for safely decorating your home without damaging your roof, many homeowners will still experience roof damage as a result of hanging or removing decorations. By scheduling your roof inspection in January, you can make sure your decking of the halls hasn’t damaged your roof or left any opportunity for moisture to enter your home.

Complete a Roof Repair or Replacement Before Storm Season

Even if you don’t schedule roofing work immediately, completing your inspection in January will give you plenty of time to shore up your roof before the storm season strikes. We typically see peak severe storms from May through August, followed by the hurricane season through November. 

Scheduling a roof inspection in January will leave a large window in which to complete roofing work. This will ensure your roof is in peak condition before any storms arrive.

Start the Year Off Right! Schedule Your Roof Inspection Today

Regular roof inspections are a crucial part of good roof maintenance, and one of the best ways to ensure your roof lasts as long as it should. By scheduling a roof inspection with an experienced, professional roofer like our team at Skyline Contracting, you’ll know about potential roofing issues long before they become major problems. You’ll be able to make proactive repairs that can add years to the lifespan of your roof while saving money in the long term.

As the holidays come to an end, make a resolution to schedule your roof inspection in January! Reach out to Skyline Contracting to book yours today.

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