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Community Spotlight: Jr Trojan Baseball

Skyline Contracting Continues Community Involvement with Support for Jr. Trojans

As a locally based roofing company, our team at Skyline Contracting calls the Gainesville area home. That means for us, maintaining a strong culture of community involvement is a core value because the programs, organizations, and initiatives we support are all part of building up the community where we live.

Skyline Contracting has a strong track record of supporting youth sports teams. These organizations help children learn valuable life skills, form lasting friendships, and of course, have fun playing these games. For the past couple of years, we’ve supported the Jr. Trojans baseball team, a youth travel baseball organization supported by North Hall High School. It’s been a great experience overall, and we’ve had a blast!

Jr Trojan Baseball Team sitting on the bench in Gainesville, GA

Our Involvement with the Jr. Trojans Team

As a company with multiple families whose children are participating in youth sports teams throughout the Gainesville area, supporting the Jr. Trojans is a perfect match. Skyline Contracting President Wes Hall was invited to coach the team last year, and after attending practice and seeing the camaraderie and fun among the players, he wanted to be a part of it.

The Jr. Trojans are a youth baseball organization supported by North Hall High School. The organization has 1–2 teams per age group among kids aged 8–13, and the organization helps to build baseball skills among players around middle school age before they reach high school.

The team offers a more competitive level of play than typical recreational baseball, and the team has played in some tournaments as well. Overall, as the team is composed of classmates and friends, they have great chemistry and do a wonderful job supporting each other throughout the season.

Jr Trojan Baseball player lying on the grass with a bag on his head in Gainesville, GA

Continuing a Skyline Contracting Tradition

For our team at Skyline Contracting, supporting youth sports organizations is something of a tradition. We’ve supported various sports teams over the years, including the 2023 Gainesville Parks and Recreation Little League season and the 8U and 11U youth football teams at Mt. Vernon Exploratory School.

In addition to sponsorship dollars, many members of our team have coached teams throughout a variety of sports including baseball, football, soccer, and more. All in all, we’ve sponsored youth sports teams through donations for around 5 years and volunteered as coaches with various organizations for at least 8 years.

Bettering Our Community Through Youth Sports

We value youth sports very highly here at Skyline Contracting. Not only are sports a fun outlet for our families, but they are often an integral part of developing these children as people. Youth sports provide an opportunity for young men and women to gain valuable life skills both on and off the field, including sportsmanship, teamwork, camaraderie, and learning key values like supportiveness and hard work.

We are also glad to support these organizations financially, as in some cases families may struggle with the financial burden of signing their children up for these teams. By supporting local sports organizations with donations and more, our team hopes to open up these benefits of youth sports to as many families as we can. Our donations have previously been put toward equipment costs, organizational fees, and more.

Jr Trojan Baseball team with the coaching staff in Gainesville, GA

Skyline Contracting Dedicated to Community Involvement

Of course, while youth sports are an important part of our community involvement, our team has a wide range of organizations and initiatives that we’ve lent our time and money to support over the years.

One example is our ongoing community partnership with Habitat for Humanity. We’re a proud partner in support of their Aging in Place initiative, and our team has donated our time and skills as roofers to help provide housing in our area.

We always encourage and support our team members in their own individual volunteering as well, as this is an important part of our company’s culture. Each member of our team has various causes they care about, and we’re always looking for new ways to get involved in our community to support our team.

If you’d like to learn more about Skyline Contracting’s volunteer efforts throughout Gainesville, please visit our community involvement page.

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